Kavafied founder and inventor of the AluBall Kava maker, Matt Masifilo, teaches you how to make a strong Kava root beverage the traditional way. Also includes a quick demo of making Kava with the AluBall.
What you'll need:
Large bowl
Kava Strainer Bag
Kava Root Powder
Water ( Preferably warm bottled water )
How to make KavaKava root drink:
Step 1: Over a large bowl, place Kava root powder into the strainer bag
Step 2: Pour water into the strainer bag with Kava root in it.
Use about 3-4 to 1 water to Kava root powder ratios.
Step 3: Knead Kava in strainer bag submerged in the water for 5 -10 minutes.
Step 4: On final squeeze be sure to get all liquid out.
Step 5: Discard Kava root remnants in trash
Step 6: ( Optional ) Add ice to serve chilled.
Step 7: Stir Kava ( Kava settles so you'll want to stir it up before every serving), serve and enjoy.
How to traditionally prepare Kava using our Kavafied Kava Strainer Bag
November 26, 2016